Sports Physiotherapy

Trenner Sportphysiotherapie

With focus (back) to peak performance:
Rehabilitation, sport psychology, neuroscience and nutritional physiology

Pushing yourself to be better, faster and stronger! Being pain-free and mentally strong at the same time – is it even possible? But not for our team. We offer tailored support when your body reaches its physical limits, or when pain or injury prevent you from achieving your desired results. We always take into account physical and emotional barriers, as they often affect each other. Our comprehensive approach is one of a kind in Northern Germany.

Trenner Sportphysiotherapie

Our process from the initial consultation to the start of therapy

Sports Physiotherapy Process
Trenner Sportphysiotherapie

Injury and Pain Rehabilitation

In case an injury has occurred, we prioritize achieving long-term rehabilitation outcomes. Simultaneously, our goal is to enable your swift return to competition. Our services range from diagnostics and nervous system adaptation to personalized return-to-competition strategies.

Trenner Sportphysiotherapie

Performance enhancement

The key to recurring peak performance is individualized training, which we constantly adapt to the accompanying diagnostics. We monitor progress as well as changes and respond to them. Together, we develop a program that fits your previous training and provides new stimuli to increase performance. The goal is always to achieve a higher level of performance and resistance than before the injury, in order to prevent future injuries.

Performance diagnostics

  • Biomechanical gait and movement analysis

  • Electromyography

  • Isokinetic force measurement

  • Jump force diagnostics with force plates

  • Neuromotor and neurodynamics

  • Cognitive and visual performance

  • Neuropsychological testing

  • Speed and agility

  • Return to play / competition testing according to VBG guideline

  • Laboratory analyses

Psychiatric disorders are also very common in athletes and are part of our expertise. From specific advice on pharmacotherapy, stress and recovery management to strategies for competition.

PD Dr. med. Johanna Seifert, Head of Medicine

We see every athlete as a new, completely individual project. Even the choice of performance diagnostics is as different as age, gender, previous experience and the entire physical and neuropsychological processes in the respective body.

Karolin Nölke, Head of Sport Physiotherapy


Trenner Sportphysiotherapie

Science, experience and data are the foundation of our Sports Physiotherapy

As a center for elite sports and youth development, we have created a post-injury support service for athletes of varying disciplines, squad levels, and age groups.

Whether it’s football, rowing, golf, dancing, or rugby, our Sports Physiotherapy helps athletes attain peak performance by recovering from injuries, overcoming performance barriers, developing psychological skills for competition, and tapping into nutritional reserves.

Our goal is to continually integrate the latest scientific discoveries into Sports Physiotherapy.
As a result, we collaborate with colleges and universities to research new training and treatment methods frequently.
Additional information about our ongoing studies is available here.

We were able to prepare our athletes for various competitions:

We support athletes from various leagues and clubs:

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Trenner Sportphysiotherapie

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