Sport-Neuroscience PhD
Applied Neuroscience M. Sc.

Head of Education

Dr. Hans-Erik Scharfen


2019-2022 Promotion PhD Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln

2017-2019 Universität Paderborn Applied Neuroscience in Sports & Exercise M. Sc.

2013-2016 Universität Paderborn Angewandte Sportwissenschaft B. Sc.

Professional career

2022- Leitung Aus- & Weiterbildung Zentrum für Trainingstherapie und Leistungsphysiologie Hannover

2019-2022 Sport-Neurowissenschaftler & Kognitionstrainer SV Werder Bremen GmbH & Co KG aA

2018-2019 Kognitions-, Athletik- & Rehabilitationstrainer SC Paderborn 07 GmbH & Co. KGaA

2018-2019 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Universität Paderborn

2016-2017 Athletiktrainer HSV Fußball AG

Publications (peer-reviewed)

Scharfen, H. E., & Memmert, D. (2022). Relationship of executive functions and physical abilities in elite soccer players. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research52(3), 341-349.

Scharfen, H. E., Lehmann, T., Büchel, D., & Baumeister, J. (2022). Cortical responses to sport-specific stimuli in a standing stop signal task. Psychology of Sport and Exercise63, 102250.

Scharfen, H. E., & Memmert, D. (2021). Cognitive training in elite soccer players: evidence of narrow, but not broad transfer to visual and executive function. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research51(2), 135-145.

Scharfen, H. E., & Memmert, D. (2021). Fundamental relationships of executive functions and physiological abilities with game intelligence, game time and injuries in elite soccer players. Applied Cognitive Psychology35(6), 1535-1546.

Scharfen, H. E., & Memmert, D. (2019). Measurement of cognitive functions in experts and elite athletes: A meta‐analytic review. Applied Cognitive Psychology33(5), 843-860.

Scharfen, H. E., & Memmert, D. (2019). The relationship between cognitive functions and sport-specific motor skills in elite youth soccer players. Frontiers in psychology10, 817.

Scharfen, H. E. The relationship of cognitive functions with physical skills, game intelligence, game time and its training in elite soccer players.