
Trenner Sportphysiotherapie

Our interdisciplinary approach to neurorehabilitation:
Scientific, goal-oriented and human.

Our interdisciplinary team of experts allows us to take a comprehensive approach that builds upon prior clinical diagnoses and integrates innovative treatment methods. Neurorehabilitation is not considered as a therapy that is carried out alone, rather it is a collaborative approach that leads to long-term success. Self-efficacy, comprehensive understanding of the clinical picture with all the influencing factors and the motivation to bring about a change are important components of neurorehabilitation.

Disease patterns in which we specialize:

  • Parkinson’s disease

  • Psychogenic vertigo

  • Polyneuropathy

  • Restless Legs-Syndrome

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • Stroke

  • Movement disorders

  • Affective disorders

  • Epilepsy

  • Traumatic brain injury

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Tinnitus

  • Dementia

Individualized and innovative therapeutic approaches in neurorehabilitation:

How do the central and peripheral nervous systems affect behavior and cognition?
This question is particularly significant in neurocognitive disorders like Parkinson’s disease, stroke, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, dementia, and Guillain-Barré syndrome. These disorders can frequently impact memory, language, concentration, sensory function, action planning, mood, and personality.

Our neuropsychological diagnostic and therapeutic procedures focus on the intimate relationship between a person’s consciousness and higher brain functions. In doing so, we augment the existing clinical diagnostics with functional and personalized test procedures.

Sensorimotor function refers to the interaction between stimulus reception and movement. These stimuli can include visual stimuli, received by the eyes, and proprioceptive stimuli, providing the brain with information about joint position and movement. Our movement or posture changes depending on how our brain processes these stimuli. As an illustration, individuals wearing varifocals may experience altered movement quality when not wearing glasses compared to when they are. This can be attributed to the varying quality of visual information received from the environment. Our testing procedures analyze various stimuli and their impact on both daily and athletic movements. Later on, we can work to enhance and optimize the interactions between these stimuli.

Although we do not provide psychotherapeutic treatment in our practice, we integrate cognitive-behavioral therapy components into our treatment concepts. In addition to discussing the approach and goals in detail, we focus on ensuring our patients have a clear understanding of their symptoms. One’s own perception and evaluation influence not only behavior but also physiological processes (such as pain tolerance). Furthermore, achieving long-term success in therapy often necessitates changes in one’s habits, both small and significant, that can be controlled and influenced through dopamine neuromodulation processes.

Chronic illnesses also frequently lead to the development of body-related fears, which stem from negative experiences and a lack of certainty regarding the progression of one’s symptoms. We also provide support for interacting with other components of therapy.

If you are also receiving psychotherapy treatment, we will provide a comprehensive report to your therapist and may consult with you beforehand if needed.

The brain controls, regulates, and influences all motor movements in humans. Neuromotor science deals with the neuroscientific basis of movement and possible interventions to improve or restore it.

Understanding the physiological processes of movement control allows for a multimodal approach to movement disorders. This encompasses identifying, elucidating, and developing behavior, nutrition, sleep, mindsets, and other therapy-relevant factors that affect the movement-regulating areas in the brain.

Irritation or damage to the peripheral nervous system often leads to pain. Certain movements can cause pain without causing structural damage. Examples of conditions that can cause pain include osteoarthritis, cartilage damage, nonspecific back pain, and neurological conditions like restless legs syndrome. Neurodynamics refers to the nervous system’s physiological adaptation to movement.

Our therapeutic approach combines maximizing range of motion with coordinating specific muscle groups to provide better nutrient supply to the nervous tissue. This can have a long-lasting effect on pain sensation and enable movement necessary for successful healing.

The field of embodiment is a novel approach in cognitive science that acknowledges the interconnections between the body and the brain, taking a holistic view. The impact of an individual’s psyche on the body has been extensively studied. It is known that our emotions can affect physical perception, as an example. The mood and the perception of pain can be changed by the concentration of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, endorphins, dopamine, or oxytocin. Embodiment research also studies the reciprocal influence of the body on the psyche. These findings are useful, for example, in planning treatments for chronic pain patients or individuals with depressive illnesses.

The perception of structural damage as pain by the brain is influenced by multiple factors. These factors include psychological parameters, such as pain experience and perception, as well as the vascularization of tissue and musculature, and the physiological conditions of the nervous system.
In multimodal pain therapy, the combined knowledge from various specialties of our team is incorporated in the chronic pain therapy, making our holistic approach possible.

Medications must always be prescribed individually, taking into account all symptom-relevant contextual factors. However, this is not always possible as several disciplines are often involved in therapy. Some groups of active ingredients, such as psychotropic drugs, can be effective in treating other clinical conditions in addition to the obvious ones (e.g. chronic pain or sleep disorders).

Based on our experience and network in pharmacology, we assist with the medication in combination with our therapeutic procedures. We also advise you on possible interactions in consultation with your treating physician.

Our therapeutic approach is based on the latest findings in physiotherapy combined with novel concepts in applied neuroscience. This neuro-centered view of the possibilities of neurorehabilitation is firmly rooted in the concept of Nordic Science. Our nervous system controls all bodily functions, determines how pain is perceived and how movement is executed. To share and develop this knowledge, we contribute to research into neurological and neurodegenerative diseases through our Institute of Biomechanics and Neuroscience.

Our current research projects in neurorehabilitation:

Working title:
Prevalence of depressive symptoms and injury-related parameters in elite and non-elite athletes: a cross-sectional epidemiological study.

Participating institutions:
Prof. Dr. Melanie Krüger, Department of Sport & Cognition, Leibniz Universität Hannover

Data collection completed, preparation for publication

Working title:
The effects of visual skills training on cognitive and executive functions in stroke patients – a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Participating Institutions:
Dr. Claire Heard, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom.

Data collection and manuscript preparation completed, preparing for publication.

Working title:
Effects of psychological interventions on performance anxiety in performing artists and athletes: a systematic review with meta-analysis

Participating institutions: 
Prof. Dr. Thomas Mühlbauer, Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Teresa Monsberger, Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom

In peer-review

Working title:
Effects of a treadmill-oculomotor dual-task intervention on balance, motor control and quality of life in an early-onset Parkinson’s disease patient – a single case study

Participating institutions: 

Data collection completed, manuscript preparation in progress.

Working title:
The effects of daylight exposure on psychological parameters, sleep quality and Vitamin D status in athletes during injury rehabilitation

Participating institutions:
Prof. Dr. Robert Brophy, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, United States.
Dr. Ira Smith, Toronto FC, Toronto, Canada

08/2023-01/2024 data collection in the US/Canada.

Our research partners in neuroscience

Prof. Dr. Brian Morris
School of Psychology & Neuroscience

Forschung Physiotherapie

Prof. Dr. Melanie Krüger
Institute of Sport Science – Sport and Cognition

Prof. Dr. Thomas Mühlbauer
Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences

Dr. Claire Heard
Institute für Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience

Prof. Dr. Robert Brophy
Division of Sports Medicine

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Trenner Sportphysiotherapie

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